Saturday, 18 April 2015

S.A Xenophobia: Who to blame?

South Africa's democratic image has once again been marred by one of the most cruel acts on the face of humanity known as xenophobia. Horrible scenes of a small number of black South African chasing and killing fellow black Africans because of, Lord knows what exactly, left me perplexed, knowing the history of this country and how hard they fought for freedom and equality in Africa as a whole with the help of many African compatriots.

According to some of these perpetrators "...these foreigners come here to take our women, jobs, opportunities and money..." they claim; and that for them, is enough reason to make them believe that they have the right to abuse and kill humans in the same manner exterminators deal with a plague of insects or rodents as seen in the picture bellow...

Moreover, the reactions we get from some of the prominent figures in the country are somewhat unintelligible making most people wonder about whether they stand for or against it. Zwelithini, one of the Kings here, said in a statement that "foreigners must pack their bags and go home" only to deny it afterwards saying that his statement was misinterpreted because he had said it in his native language. Other controversial statement came straight from the President's nest through one of his son who fiercely said that government must stop using taxpayers money to accommodate xenophobia victims... quiet an ironic statement here in Africa, seeing that some of his family's income comes from the same fund but oh well, he is South African and his black! so that is his for the taking...

I truly commend everyone who firmly stands against it, supports and promotes peace over all. Everyone is a foreigner somewhere and I believe that everyone has the right to live anywhere on this planet and make a living regardless of your color, race, ethnicity, nationality or social status... Was that not what the "End of Apartheid" symbolized?

This is not the first time xenophobia has hit South African shores and this time government only recognized it as such up until the world started to take notice of it.

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