Monday, 8 July 2013

The oppression continues

Power is something very intriguing, and when associated with politics, it can either be as good as its holder or  otherwise. Africa, for example, is one of the continents that has been extremely affected by our greedy leaders and their thirst for constant power, which causes them to ignore the voice of the people most times, or act in a way that triggers fear and resentment among the nations.
Democracy is the main topic of their political rallies and public speeches. We live in a democratic society, according to these leaders, but I reckon most of them fail to understand the real meaning of democracy, or they simply choose to ignore it's core meaning and create a circle around them that impels them to act in the manner they do towards the people.
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, has always been one of the main figures of African politics. He has recently launched a "DO or Die" campaign in which, he urged his supporters to fight for survival. He said "You are soldiers, you have a battle to fight. Go into the battle well-armed. It's a fight for our lives. It's a battle for survival." That is one subliminal statement, that causes more confusion than clarity among the nation.
Truth is, nobody needs to fight anymore! If we live in a democratic society we should be able accept defeat, without having to instill fear in people's minds. Let the voice of the people be heard.
That is just one example of the mental oppression we suffer and most of us sometimes fail to take note of. Democracy seems to have a different meaning for most of the leaders in Africa, and around the world. We live in an unfair world and despite efforts to eradicate such political theories, we never seem to get it right.

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