Media houses have had closely been following the pregnancy of Duchess of Cambridge, for as early as she first confirmed her pregnancy. They watched her every move, more so whenever she would go to a hospital or clinic to get checked up. A barrage of journalists gathered outside the St Mary's hospital in London just days before, George Alexander Louis or as he will be know in the future 'His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge', was born so as to be the first to get live pictures of the royal baby.
It was on the 23rd of July, that the baby was born and he sure got the most warm welcome he could have ever gotten; with his father alongside members of the royal family being the first ones to get a glimpse of him, of course, the baby boy came into the world in a spectacular manner. Journalist across the world followed the Duchess's labour closely, that it seemed as if God was about to come down right now and save the whole world.
We all understand how important the royal family is, and how they influence the dealings of the world, but some of us are pretty displeased at the amount of media coverage this little baby is getting. The world has more important issues to deal with and focus on; Apart from that, the media in general should try and keep up with more serious matters instead of trying to distract humanity from what really needs to be addressed.
As the royal baby continues to make headlines all over the world, and is the main topic of many newspapers, magazines, TV and radio talks, as if the follow-through of the pregnancy and birth of the baby was not enough, many will still have to be blinded folded with the news about this baby everyday and forget about the real issues.
We are all delighted at the fact that a new-born has come into the world, and that it belongs to the royal family. We wish them all the best in raising this beautiful child and may God walk alongside them always.
Let all the hype and publicity be over, well, at least until the baby is old enough to make real headlines!