Has anyone ever wondered what the world would be like without technology? Do you feel that perhaps, we would have been better human beings if we did not have all the technology we have around us today, or do you feel like technology has rather, helped us more than anything? Well regardless of your response to those questions, we all have to admit that technology has arguably played the most important role in the world we live in today.
Technology is the most important field of science right now, as it helps create, maintain, solve problems, handle different tasks and situations as well as learn new techniques that can have a huge impact on society. This is usually seen by the way everyone happens to be so hooked to it without even noticing sometimes because it is everywhere and it is, at most times, unavoidable.
Many people have become consciously addicted to it due to the new tech-gadgets that are made available almost every minute hence causing a never-ending dispute among masses. Computers, tablets, cellphones, cameras, watches, vehicles are just a few of the most popular products that have been created and enhanced as a result of technology.
Libraries have turned into museums, people have lost their jobs, virtual world (The Internet) has taken over physical socialization, having the latest cellphones has become more important to some than having a proper meal and that is how obsessed some have become with technology.
We may not see droids very often around us nevertheless, the way we has technology won us makes me feel like we have turned into droids ourselves. It is as though they have inserted a small chip into your brain that commands all your movements and behavior and impels us to firmly be reliant on all of these tech-gadgets for fear we maybe considered outdated.
With all of that said, I still think technology has helped us in a lot of ways and has made things easier for us, perhaps it should not, or maybe we feel that way because our brains have become so indulged into it yet, it is hard not to be impressed with what technology has offered us, thanks to our powerful brains.