They are two of the most popular words in the world, but as time goes on and as the world evolves they seem to be losing their popularity as well as importance. "Please" and "Thank you" have been, as referred to most, the magic words for quiet as long as we can remember and these words can be more powerful and meaningful than any other word you may use on a daily basis.
I was riding a bus to school recently when the bus made a stop at one of its regular bus-stops. As the bus stopped, two elderly ladies got on the bus. They looked pretty much tired and frail, so me being the human being I am, full of life, love and ethics, I spotted them from the moment they got in the bus, and in my head I knew already that I would stand up and offer my sit to one of them, and the fact that the bus was full meant that I really had to do it, I had no choice at that point.I, then,raised from the seat I was on and offered my sit to one of the ladies and by seeing that, the person sitting next to me did the same thing.
Both ladies sat down comfortably, I was delighted to have helped someone at that moment, for there is no greater joy for me than that, but something hit me at the moment... Those ladies never said a word or two to any of us, the ones who offered them the seats. I started thinking about how I was raised and the way my grandmother, mother and other elders in my family, always taught me to use the words "Please and Thank you". I also thought of the way we, the new generation, are constantly described by older generations and the media as rebellious, ill-mannered and arrogant people, but wait, how can we be any less different if the same people that usually criticize our demeanor act in an unpleasant way. Actions speak louder and better than words, and we get motivated when we see people do something that they would want us to do as well.
None of us has the right to judge anyone. I've realized that some people sometimes get so caught up in analyzing the behavior of others that they tend to forget about the good things themselves. Always do your best to change something you are not happy with because it starts with you. Those ladies were wrong but that does not mean we all have to be that way, let's keep doing good and using the magic words in that way, who knows, we may change the world and make it a better place.